+about me( ᐛ )و
. . . a regular gal on the internet from the chicago area.
Vtuber and assistant in my day to day~
After many trips searching the internet archives, a passion was born! I now have a hobby of scanning and documenting merch I have in my collection to share with others.

+likes( ᐛ )و
anime. . .fruits basket (2001/2019), dr. stone, to your eternity, jujutsu kaisen, mairimashita! iruma-kun
manga. . .march comes in like a lion, xxxholic, to your eternity, coppelion
games. . .vrchat, fall guys, angels of death, ib, mad father, roblox
misc. . . homestuck, drawing, reading x reader fanfics

+dislikes( ≧Д≦)
. . .sudden noises, lightning, insects, the dark, deep water,

quick notes

- cas / ghosty

- she/her

- 24 ♉

- chronically online but shuts up

- pretty socially awkward :x

melting heart
melting heart

ㅤ|ㅤ 3:33 amㅤ

It's tamaNOTchi! Click to feed!